Thursday, 16 February 2012

Bus Simulator 2008 Full Version

Bus Simulator 2008 Review

Simulators have come a long way since those arcade classics where you sat within a huge chair to play on a screen the size of a mobile phone (the most popular being the Flight Simulator created by Microsoft), but here we are at the Bus Simulator. Yes that’s right, Bus simulator.
Now before you judge the game or me, hear me out! I had huge doubts about this game when it was first brought to our attention, but I willingly put forward my name to review it and was astonished by how much it did not suck!
The game is a simple one to grasp with easy controls and low graphics for smooth running on low-end computers. So, starting up the game I came to an easy to use menu and instinctively hit ‘Start Game’ (as you would), and from here on out I was addicted, believe it or not! It is a very simple system to understand. You rent out the bus that you wish to use (you need certain buses for certain ‘tours’ asthey call them), then you are off on your journey to becoming an epic bus driver! 
Now I must admit at first I did find the controls a bit confusing to begin with and attempted to change them. Big mistake. Leave these controls alone; it is one of the most mind-boggling experiences with a game I have encountered to date! You try and change the steering and it changes the horn, the lights become the brake and so forth. Just simply, leave them alone. They are fairly easy to grasp as it is, but never the less confusing to start off with. Forward goes forward, back goes back and from there on, just button bash until you can find out which controls do what. Luckily there are only about five.
You may still doubt my views on this game (“Yeah yeah, drive the bus and run over some pedestrians on the way, big whoop!”), but do not be so fast to judge young padawan! You will be delightfully surprised like I was. You cannot just run red lights, run over passengers and leave bus stops early, oh no! Run a red light, you get a penalty. Leave a bus stop early, you get a penalty. Three penalties and your tour ends, then you must restart the whole thing over! Hit a pedestrian and (to much dissatisfaction) your tour ends immediately.
By the end of my first tour, I actually wanted to succeed in this game! I wanted to be the busdriver that I could only dream about! I was determined to complete this game!
The graphics within this game are basic, so you can run on pretty much any computer you choose (unless you run on Mac). The effects are highly limited but this doesnot lessen the experience.
In conclusion, I am in love with this game. I was very sceptical about the whole experience to start with, but we grew to love each other and I am now the epic bus driver that you see everyday driving our public transport and then down the pub after a hard day. I now truly know what it is like to be a bus driver!
  • Realistic
  • Works on low spec computers
  • Simplisity
  • In German (At the moment)
  • Controls cannot be changed without mass confusion
  • Progressive irritating until you realise that you never wanted to be a bus driver in the first place and therefore, stop playing..


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